Hello fellow bloggers. In case some of you were unsure, yes, I am still alive although I can understand how you may have thought I had fallen off the face of the planet since my last blog was about a year ago...YIKES! Anyways, let me bring you up to date. After working at Mountain View Middle School for a year and failing to get hired once again as strictly a social studies teacher I made the decision to return to school. I have been asked a million times what my major is and the answer is, I don't have a major. I am undeclared but working on an Earth Sciences endorsement. This only requires 27 credits and passing a Praxis exam and then I can add science to my teaching certificate. Hopefully this will help me in next year's job hunting.
I returned to Laramie for school which some people find very funny since I was so glad to get out of here the first time. In all honesty, I am really enjoying my experience here the second time around. Mountain View kind of drained my social life so it is really nice to be in a college atmosphere again. Although, I did have an experience where 2 18 year old boys tried to hit on me and my roommate and we have been teased about that ever since. I wanted to say, "um, boys, I could have been your teacher last year...probably you should move on to someone a little less seasoned." Poor kids. Anyways, I really have been having a blast and although I'm not used to the whole homework thing anymore it appears that my classes are going to be pretty simple.
Hopefully you won't give up on me again. Chantel threatened me with my life and/or the hacking off of limbs if I don't keep my blog updated so I will do my best to provide new and great ramblings for those of you that care to sit through it.